Jesus Quote: Endangering Children and Target


If anyone harms one of these little ones who believe in me, it is better that
a millstone be placed around their neck,
and that they be cast into the sea.
Jesus -- Mark 9:42

     All too often people misunderstand that, while in one context, the context of persecution, we are to turn the other cheek, as did Jesus when he was crucified and as when the disciples were martyred; yet there were other times (and these are those times when the misunderstanding occurs) he faced down injustice with a vengeance. His response was specific, quick and targeted toward unrepentant and unbelieving abusers ... people who would not repent and who would NOT believe.  

  • The money changers were ripping off the poor and polluting the temple with their dishonesty, and so he plaided a whip, kicked over tables and ran the religious hypocrites out of the temple! Money went flying everywhere!
  •  He also faced down the religious hypocrites with a "tongue lashing" for their abuse of God's people and the liberating limits of the law: (See Matthew 23.) 
  • Jesus hated it when leaders abused the poor, abused the law, and he especially expressed judgment and disgust, when they would abuse children.  

Certainly, All of these could repent, believe in him, be transformed, forgiven and saved, if they would sincerely turn to him for love, mercy and grace. This is really what the Savior who suffered, bled and died would prefer they do; however, many people like the religious leaders, abusers of the poor, law abusers and child abusers didn't in that day and don't  today appear to have any desire to do anything but get what they want for themselves. They seem to want what they want, and nothing else matters until they get it.  At least that is the way it seems today. Let me be clear, our loving and merciful God is also just.  And HE will pronounce judgment where judgment is due. This kind of social engineering and behavior, when acted out, will   bring judgment on them!

    Sadly today, we live in a generation of adults, where some adults, clearly don't care about putting children at risk.  It's heart breaking: They tell us that we are bigoted, haters and mean spirited because we don't want a man --who feels like he is a woman, but is clearly biologically a male -- to enter the same restroom as one of our children or grandchildren of their opposite biological gender. I think this will also apply to a female wishing to use a male's  bathroom. 

Either way, try standing up and speaking out for what is right. Try to tell these would be social engineers that a pedophile could easily "self identify" as feeling somehow uncomfortable or abnormal in their biologically correct bathroom/restroom. Their response is predictable. They might just say, "There is no evidence that this has ever happened."  REALLY? That does NOT mean it will not happen or cannot happen, and it does NOT meant that it did NOT happen! Studies show that an enormous amount of sexual abuse goes unreported or is under reported!  

     Think about this:  As you read further and come to  the  blue web page below, I am asking you to please type it into your URL; and before you do so, please understand me!  Absolutely NO sexual abuse should be tolerated in or out of the U.S. military; nevertheless, just as the unintended consequences of government experimentation and social engineering, which in my opinion, has produced an epidemic of sexual trauma in the military,  something new has started.  Not only are women being raped and molested, but now men are being raped and sexually molested. And, it may be hard to believe, but men are being molested more than women for the very first time in U.S. history. 

     Now these social engineers have their sights on our public bathrooms and our children/grandchildren/our little ones.  Now they want to continue their experiments in a way that has the horrific potential of harming these precious little ones. They don't seem to care about using our descendants as little human guinea pigs!  And the unintended potential consequences of this sick social engineering also are as real as the consequences we are seeing in our armed forces!  GOD HELP US! They certainly are trying to fundamentally change our nation. It's time for the Church to stop being so quiet as it rests behind it's closed locked doors.

    Some would say, "Well they have unisex public restrooms in Germany, Italy and all of Europe."  They sure do, and I can assure you we were on guard about that while we were there with our children.  By the way, what does that have to do with anything? Isn't Germany the place where recently more than a thousand women were raped by militant Islamic males in one or two days? And isn't Germany the place where the police blamed the women for the way they dressed as being the cause of the rapes.  So they blamed the victims instead of the rapists? Isn't Germany in Europe? 

What I am about to say is  for my European friends reading this blog: I don't wish to anger you, my brothers and sisters, who are also Christ-Follower viewers of this blog. Being Christ-Followers gives us allegiances that may include our individual nations, but they exceed national boundaries. The family of God connections go much deeper than that of national and blood relatives.  Whatever nation you live in, you will always be my sister or my brother. But at the same time,  I don't wish to emulate the devolving, crumbling culture of Europe in any fashion. I certainly don't wish to do so,  IF it puts my children or grandchildren at risk.  I want us be be like "The City on The Hill." I want us to set the example for all nations when it comes to protecting our children. And I don't wish to wait until a child is harmed before I speak out about this. 

    Look where we are: Go to  Type this in your URL, and you will see that a major multi- billion dollar profited department store, -TARGET, has decided to open the restrooms in their stores so that transgenders may go into the restroom they wish. The want them to feel better about themselves.  They are not going to provide a separate facility to provide them the privacy they wish to have. NO! They are going to allow them to just walk into a restroom where a small child is potentially exposed to their genitalia.  Again I ask, REALLY?  Here is what I am going to do regarding TARGET'S new policy:  Rather here is NOT what I'm going to do: I AM NOT GOING TO SHOP IN TARGET until they come to their senses and reverse this policy! And I am going to recommend to ANYONE I can that they also go elsewhere to do their shopping. I am recommending that this start TODAY!  I am calling for a Nationwide and Worldwide Boycott of Target and any business that adopts these kind of child endangering policies!   I am asking for everyone of my twitter universe friends, my google friends and my FaceBook friends to pass this blog around and SHOUT to the world "We are NOT going to take it ANYMORE! We ARE NOT tolerating putting children at risk!

     Jesus is a clear about the potential for harming a child or actually harming a child as anyone can be.  First, let them come to him and be sorry for their brokenness and sin.  Let them turn around, come to him, believe in him and receive him.  Let them be forgiven and become new creations, where the old is gone and the new has come.  Let them do as I did many years ago and as many of my readers have done. Turning to Jesus in this way, makes for a beautiful eternal life! 

OR they can choose to do something else: These individuals and the groups doing the experimentation or social engineering can choose to keep doing as they are doing. Let them keep caring more about their feelings and pathologically impaired self identity. Let them harm a child, and his judgment is still as clear as the day he plaided a whip and ran out the money changers.  His judgment is a clear as the day he expressed the holy woes against the scribes, pharisees and hypocrites.  His judgment is that is  BETTER, that this child abuser have a millstone be wrapped around their necks and they be cast into the depths of the sea." This is his judgment for this life.  You can guess that the eternal reward is going to be strict as well.

     This is one of the more challenging web logs I have ever written.  It has not been easy for me to write this.  Most of us seem to want to play it safe and not run the risk of ruffling anyone's feathers.  Even so, I do hope whoever reads this will have the courage to send it to all your FaceBook, Twitter and google friends and any other friends you have on the internet. I hope this goes around the world and throughout our nation.  I do hope there is a way to stop this fundamental transformation of our nation which is regressively damaging our nation and our children.

     Enough Said.

A Very Concerned 


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