Advent Three: The Reasons For Jesus' Three Seasons

The Three Seasons

He Came, He Comes Into Available Hearts, AND
Ready Or Not, He IS Coming Again!

Advent: The Reasons For Jesus Seasons Day Three

           The Next Reason For Jesus' Season:  God reconciled us to have a relationship with Him through faith in Christ.  When we first sinned, like our ancient ancestors, we died.  Y'all I mean we really died!!!  That is to say the life giving essence of our being -- each one's spirit  -- died!  This is the worst possible death because each one of us lost our relationship or connection with God. You see it's the spirit that makes a human being aware of God and the things of God. It's the spirit that empowers human beings to have an intimate relationship with the Creator of all that is.

          Therefore, our God consciousness was replaced by self consciousness!  We became spiritually divorced from God! Things of God became unimportant to  we who really became the walking dead. Things that benefited "me, myself and I" became the dominant concern!  We became ruled by darkness! Sinning was easy! Sinning hardly concerned us. And it brought pleasure as well as eternal bondage!  As Jesus told us, when a person commits themselves to sin, they become a slave to sin. (John 8:34.) Consequently, and sadly, many do not and did not see sin's enslaving quality nor worldly pleasures' diabolical chains.  People walking with darkened souls and blinded spiritual eyes could not and cannot see them because they do not have spiritual eyes with which to see. Such persons cannot even see God in life anywhere at all.  Worst of all, against God's will, some never see until it's too late!

         When Jesus, God's Messiah came, He  changed all of the horrible consequences above!  Those horrific experiences did not/ do not ever have to happen ever again! He made it possible for us to be reconnected with our Holy Creator who is God: We now can choose to believe in Him and receive Him! Then, once we enjoy our Divine intersection with Him, God resurrects our spirits! The Bible calls that being "born again."  The eternal quality of us which empowers us to walk with God, brings back life!  God's Holy Spirit communicates with our spirits that we are indeed God's adopted children!  Jesus, therefore, also came to Planet Earth to RECONCILE us or resurrect us causing us to truly live again! Yes, we live through the good times, the bad times, the happy times and the sad times; however, we don't walk alone.  We walk with God ... if we choose to believe in Jesus and receive Him as Lord and Savior.

All of this is from God who has reconciled us through faith in Jesus who is the Messiah.
2 Corinthians 5:18a

Think about this today. Reflect on this today. Respond appropriately,  and then ... 

Then Be Blessed 2day
Especially Today



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