Giving But Not Receiving
For God So Loved The World That He Gave.
Many of us who have labored in God's "Vineyard" and sought to give love away ... HIS love away ... face the same challenge that Almighty God faces, whether it be with strangers or with friends and family. If we give love way, will it be received or rejected? From God's perspective, the beauty of this is that God knew the outcome before He made the offer, and HE still made the offer anyway. Some would receive the love, and some would not. Nevertheless, He looked at the world lost in darkness and broken by sin, and before creation was ever ... well ... ever created, HE planned to love us even though we did not love Him.
The plan did not involve giving a half way attempt. It involved God giving HIS all to the world. He gave up His ONLY biological son. He gave up HIS sinless Son. He gave up the perfect child to take the punishment on Himself that we deserved for breaking God's Holy Liberating Limits that we call the law. Just as we get punished when we go before a judge for breaking humanity's law, even so their is severe punishment for breaking the highest law in existence. To break a law is to sin, and the wages of sin or consequence for sin is death ... breaking the Holiest law has the consequence of capitol punishment. We may not like this, but that's the way it is.
God knew something: He knew and knows that we could not bear up for under the consequences of our sins because -- as I just said -- sin produces death. God warned Adam and Eve about this, but they did it any way. He warns us, but we do it anyway. Therefore, someone had to take our place if we were to ever be saved from a certain eternal death. Someone, as in earthly courts, had to or has to die for those most heinous sins; however, the Heavenly Court settled the issue in advance of our sins. God planned the remedy before we ever were guilty, and so Jesus came and took on our punishment. He died doing so, but after being crucified, dying and being buried. He miraculously conquered the Kingdom of Darkness, Hell, Death and even the grave. He arose from the dead. He established and Eternal Covenant that completely forgives the sins of those who will turn from those sins to the one who is The Savior, even Jesus. This Holy Covenant also makes us Holy and "perfect" from God's point of view. And His resurrection power enables the Holy Spirit to write God's laws on our hearts and place them in our minds, even if we falter along the way. He also gives us access into the Holiest of Holy places where we can speak directly to "the Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace," where daily He cleanses us of guilt and shame.
Think about it: God so loved -- the greatest giver of a gift -- the world -- the greatest recipient of a gift -- that He gave his ONLY biological son, -- the greatest gift -- that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but share with God in God's life forever -- The greatest opportunity to ever be gifted.
God gave His heart, His Soul, His Mind, His Holy Spirit away in the form of His Son Jesus. He gave the proverbial 100% when He gave His love away on that Cross 2000+ years ago. And some reading this today, as well as millions of other who know about this, will not respond favorably to this love. Some will not turn from their sins toward Him and be saved. As a matter of fact they will turn their backs on Him and the love He offers. And one day they will die, be punished for their sins, and be eternally over whelmed in darkness, suffering and pain against God's will and against this love offered.
You see, love offered may not always be received. Not God's love... not the love you give away as God's child. And no matter what you do, that love either cannot be received or will not be received as painful as that may be to you and me. What can you do? What can I do? There is only one thing we can do if we want to keep sane well and whole. P.U.S. H = Pray Until Something Happens. It may not happen in those you would like to receive God's love. It may not happen in those whom you would hope would receive your love. The changes may happen in you, and you may change how you will allow this to impact on your life. Let go and let God guide you into the future.
If You Are Struggling With This God Like Dilemma ...
Nothing Can Separate You From His Love ... NOTHING!
And in the Finality of It All,
HIS love is really
All That Matters.
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