Intimacy With Christ
Authentic Intimacy
Spiritually based intimacy is where real loving and living can and does begin. Take, for example, 1 Corinthians 6:17 which say, "When we unite ourselves to Christ, we are one spirit with Him." This means that when we make the deliberate choice to have a relationship with The Son of God, who is one with God, a miracle occurs. He is "IN" us, and we are "In" Him. We actually become a part of His mystical body. (See 1 Corinthians 12:27.) We are not all of His body, but the Almighty designs us to fit in perfectly with the eternal.
Now this is where we begin talking about "eternal life." Many commentators, when talking about this kind of "life" say that "eternal life" is the same as "sharing in God's life forever." It is not just longevity, but it is a quality of life --once again --where we are in a state of spiritual intimacy with God. God's Spirit flows through our being and forms us into the image of Christ. (Romans 8:29) We become one with Christ and grow to be like Him.
Once we have this intimacy with God, and once we begin to become more and more like Him, we are filled with the Fruit of His Holy Spirit: Such fruit as love, joy, peace, the ability to suffer long, gentleness/kindness, integrity and self control gradually become evident. And this fruit is the very Character of God. The core value of His character is love, and love is a gift we receive from God as our intimacy (one spiritedness) grows. Having this empowers us to give away true intimacy with other human beings, especially those who are significant to our journey like our spouses or our children.
The point I am making is that being able to give away intimacy in our relationships first begins with the fact that we have chosen to unite ourselves with Christ, daily walk with Him and grow in the grace. We then have the core being of love to share that has "The Divine Quality" that makes a relationship work... for decades.
Be Blessed 2day.... Especially 2day
Be United With Christ and Let Intimacy With God Happen.
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