Power Statement Of A Christ Follower: A Little Sister or Brother of Jesus

All to often we spend time trying to do the right Christian stuff instead of simply be God's children. Sadly we do Christian stuff in well intentioned ways; yet the smartest thing is to simply learn  is to be the one God created us to be; for example, God gives us "...Power to be children of God." In John 1:12 this is God's promise: "As many as receive Jesus as the Lord of their lives, these are the ones that God gives the power to be Children of God." When Jesus came to this earth to be the Savior of the world, He first came to His own people, but they did not receive Him.  Jesus described these who rejected Him as "Children of the Devil." (John 8:12.)  And so were we, but once we sincerely began the journey of receiving Christ Jesus, we received the power to be God's adopted children. (Romans 8:15)
Not only did we receive the power to be God's adopted children, we also had the power to receive the Holy Spirit.  Once we received the Holy Spirit, we received supernatural spiritual power. (Acts 1:8)  The Greek word translated power is dynamos or dynamite power. This means we have power to be  formed into the image of Jesus (like His little sisters and brothers)  as we journey through the stuff of life. (Romans 8:28-29) In surrendering to or receiving Christ via His Holy Spirit, we have the transformational power to grow into the Character of Almighty God.  In other words, we have the Holy Spirit Power to have love, joy, peace, the ability to suffer long, gentleness, goodness, integrity and self control become the core of our character.
So why not daily just begin our days by opening up our hearts to Christ and surrendering our lives to Him for the daily power to more than exist.  Let's do so to really live each day... one day at a time.



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