Rock-Solid Living In A Quick Sand World

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash!  Jesus      
      Storms seem to come into everyone's life. The winds of adversity howl like a category five hurricane! Day in and day out many poor souls are pounded by the challenges they face. Every day it seems that this beating will never end. Some have experienced this for years.  They were soaked by the deluge of abuse or trauma. The toxicity of their homes flooded over them every day of their growing up years, and they were threatened to sink  in the quicksand of their lives. Some miraculously have a foundation that keeps them living on a rock-solid footing despite the past or present storms; however; others have only a sandy foundation that brings them to a state of collapse.
     During my decades of service to others in ministry, I have weathered many storms myself. At the same time, I have served people who have really suffered.  People have abused them in many ways: Young men and young women have had perpetrated against them -by people who should have loved them- some of the most heinous ugly crimes imaginable. Abandonment seems to be permeating our society. All too many Dads are unavailable for their children. Verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, passive abuse and even spiritual abuse seemed to plague the lives of virtually every person who came to see me. Their lives seemed to be on a quicksand foundation. Key people sinned against them.
A  Journey Backwards
     In this blog, we are going to look at how Jesus teachings can transform lives. We are going to see how he gives us the tools to put our lives on a solid foundation and not a foundation of quick sand. No matter what has happened to us, we are going to examine the skills, presented by the Son of God himself, that make such solid living possible.  And we are going to approach this by going backwards through the Holy Scriptures.
     Please let me explain: Most people, when they look at the ancient wisdom from the Bible, start at the beginning of a passage and read through to the end; however, one day when I was reflecting over this passage, it came to me that Jesus was looking backward through what we call the Sermon on the Mount, when he gave us the wisdom of Matthew 7:24 – 28.
For example, a brief look backwards through his teaching demonstrates that Jesus wants us to go outside the storm battered house, that represents each of our lives,  into the yard to look at some trees regarding fruit they bear. He's talking about leaders here, and he gives rock solid guidance on how to choose leaders, if we want to truly live. He then takes us further into the yard, past the trees, to look at an apparent wall that has two gates. Choosing the right gate will be like a stepping stone on the path of rock-solid living.  As we continue the journey backwards through this wonderful teaching, we will see many steppingstones until we come to the end where we find eight stepping stones to a life that is blessed…in this life & eternity. Stay tunes and ...
Y'all Be Blessed 2day Especially Today.


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