Why Does God Do What God Does?
In love he predestined us to be adopted as his children in accordance with his pleasure and will.
Did you ever wonder why God does what God does? I mean, when you really wonder about it, have you ever wondered what is his motivator that motivates him to be motivated to do what he gets motivated to do? And then, he just goes right on ahead and does what he does.
Well I can't give you an answer on what always motivates God to do what he does, but I can tell you something that might just be the answer. Simply check out the scripture above. What do the first 3 words say? "In love he..."
Yup! God is motivated because God is "IN love" with you and me, and a whole bunch of other folks that he permanently adopts as his children. In other words, if you are reading this, and you turned your life over to Jesus, you are an adopted child of God because God simply chose to love y-o-u. He did not do it because you were so pretty, handsome, beautiful and good looking. He did not do it because you and I are the best of the best. Nope! He did it because he simply chose to love us.
Next we see God did this adoption "in accordance with his pleasure..." Can't fault God for that. His motivation is not only love based, it is pleasure based. God gets a whole lot of pleasure having children, whose lives he is going to change for the good. No big pay back for God here. Just like we are pleased to see our children (or someone else children) grow up, God is "tickled pink" that he did what he did for you in me, as he brought us into the family of God.
Last thing. Can I get a drum roll? God does what he does because he is in love. He does this because it brings him pleasure.... are you ready for it?..... Here it comes. He does it in accordance with his pleasure... AND HIS WILL! So many people want to know what is God's will. Well here is a BIG one. It is God's will to adopt you and me into the family of God. Yes he is in love with us. Yes... it really does bring him pleasure. But he also does it because he WANTS TO do it.
So why not appreciate the love of God today? Why not be tickled pink that God is tickled pink about you? Why not just jump for joy that God wants you in his life... up close and personal.
Now Go On Out And Be Blessed 2day
Especially 2day.
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