Christian Meditation: 7 Steps To Being Still And Knowing God

Christian Meditation Techniques:
Seven Steps of Stillness
STEP 1: Physical Relaxation
Being physically relaxed is very important so you can remain in the stillness undisturbed by discomfort. Choose a comfortable position whether sitting or reclining that will keep you awake and aware. (If you drift off to sleep, It is ok.) Now, take several deep breaths and release them slowly. Let your body thoroughly unwind. Close your eyes and let yourself thoroughly relax.
STEP 2: Mental Stillness
The mind is naturally active – thoughts, worries, plans, fears and anxieties can all come rushing in. Tell your mind softly to "be still an know God." Pick a centering point: repeat a holy word softly…like “Jesus,” Or “Yeshua,” “Maranatha” Or “God.” Listen to instrumental music, visualize a pleasant scene to refocus your thoughts when your mind begins to wander. If you find the other thoughts come into your mind, simply re-focus on your centering point. Say, “Be Still and Know God.”  Then, when you feel relaxed and at peace, direct your thoughts to opening to the relationship you share with your Inner Spirit and God’s Holy Spirit…begin:
STEP 3: Talking with God
Within your being is the best friend, Jesus. The “Wonderful Counselor," and most loving Holy, Healthy parent you will ever know…God.   Share with God  what is on your mind and in your heart. Your Inner Spirit is your direct connection with the Holy Spirit, who knows you intimately and accepts you just the way you are. In the same manner as you would share your day with a spouse or a close companion, share it with God. You do the talking; God is doing the listening.
STEP 4: Prayer
This is your time to ask for help. From the previous step, you may ascertain where and what kind of spiritual help you need from your Loving Heavenly Father. Remember, there is always a solution; everything is resolvable with God’s help…With Jesus help… With The Holy Spirit’s help. If you do not know what to pray for, ask you’re the Holy Spirit to help you to pray.  Maybe ask, “What do I need now to grow spiritually?” Also, spend a few moments praying for others – you say the prayer for them that they cannot say for themselves.
STEP 5: Worship
Worship is simply surrendering and giving thanks and appreciation for everything good in life that has been given as a gift. Offer your praise to the Creator  of everything true, beautiful, and good. What do you have to be thankful for? Everything! Life, love, family, friends, health. Recognize the hand of The Divine in your life and simply acknowledge God’s Spirit’s good gifts.  
STEP 6: Silent Listening
Now is the time to listen within — What does God want you to hear. What does God wish to say to you? Return to your centering point, tune your listening within and wait. You may not hear a booming voice telling you what to do, but you may begin to perceive that God is trying to talk to you from afar; the message may only be subtly and faintly discerned. You may even think you haven’t received anything at this time. Listen for what the Bible calls, “The Whisper” or “The Still Small Voice.” Again, you may not hear during these moments… but later, tomorrow, or in a few days suddenly an answer will flash into your mind, or someone may say the words you need to hear, or you might find them in a book. It takes a while sometimes for the Spirit Within to pierce through the static layers of consciousness. But rest assured, your Inner Voice will indeed respond. Be open to experiencing God. Or “Knowing God.”
STEP 7: The Embrace
Receive the love and guidance God has for you. By opening your heart and mind from the previous steps, it is now your time to just relax and receive. Envision and sense yourself in the most beautiful and loving situation you have ever experienced, and ask for Spirit to amplify that feeling in you. You will become refreshed and renewed from within. Your Divine Source—GOD--- is feeding you internally; this is your soul’s nourishment. The more you experience Divine Love, the more you accumulate the desire to be in that state. And the more God’s love and wisdom radiates within you, the more you take into the outer world. Life begins to unfold in faith and joy!
Make A Practice Of Stillness, Like this, And....
Be Blessed 2day
Everyday You Abide With God


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