I am seeking peace today and pursuing it.
How about you?
Do you want to?
 I am praying God will bless you who read this and receive this
 with the  same peace
I am now  passing  on. 

"Blessed are the peace makers."   
"Peace I leave with you."  
Share this blog with a friend, relative, associate or neighbor,
if you are seeking peace and pursuing it.

Share this blog with a person who is
"stressed out" today.
Then sit comfortably in a chair.  Slow your breathing. 
 And simply pray softly and sincerely...
"Dear Lord Jesus... Son of The Living God.... 
 Have mercy on me, and grant me peace."
*Sincerely repeat this prayer for 10 minutes.
Capture any distracting thoughts and let them go.
Re- focus on Jesus and this prayer to him...
Simply sit and relax.  Breath deeply...
Whisper this prayer.
Focus on praying it
to Jesus.
It might just surprise you what happens.
His peace he wants to leave with you. 
His peace he wants to give to you. 
His peace is nothing like the "world" gives.
His peace is the kind that does not let your heart be troubled. 
His peace gives you the grace to ...
NOT be afraid.

Practice Praying For Personal Peace.
He Wants You To Have Peace.
So...Let God give you his peace.

Focus On Nothing, For 10 minutes
But Praying To Jesus
This Prayer For Peace.

Give yourself permission to receive it.

Pass on his peace.

Now may the peace of Christ Be With You...

Be Blessed Today
Especially Today



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