Don't Let It Happen For Heaven's Sake
Don't let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Do you believe in God? Believe also in me! In my Father's House are many wonderful dwellings. If it were not so, I would never have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you, and if I am going there to prepare a place for you, I will come back again and receive you to myself. I do this so that where I am you will be also...Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you, and it is NOT like the kind of peace the world gives you. It is the kind that empowers you to let not your heart be trouble or afraid. Jesus.
Lot's a people have troubled hearts. Lots of people are afraid. I have been both, and the things that help me find comfort are the words of Jesus, where He says..."Don't let it happen." You mean I can do that? I can stop from being troubled and afraid? I believe so, and it begins by hanging on to every word that Jesus says here:
Believe in God. Believe in God's Son who is one with God. You are going to believe something. You cannot help yourself; for example you demonstrate what you believe by what you choose NOT to believe. You can choose to believe that believing in God/Jesus will give you all you need for addressing the fears in your life. OR you can believe that this is not true. I am learning to trust the former rather than the later.
Believe there is a prepared place -not made by human hands- prepared for you by the Eternal Carpenter himself, if you are prepared by believing in him and receiving him to be in control. Yup! It is a prepared place, for prepared people, that is prepared by the hands of God. It's sacred space and a holy place: It is "The Father's House." So, we really don't need to fear what "man" can do to us. This Heavenly view is powerful, if we choose to view it.
Believe Jesus has a gift of peace for you. Strengthen this by simply quoting (out loud) the verse "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you." Receive these words into your heart. Stay focused. Slow down, and imagine he is talking with you. There is a real good chance you can release your anxiety, doubts, fears and trouble to the one who wants to give you the power to not be troubled or afraid... because he has it all prepared.
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