As I sit here at my computer, it occurred to me that God does knitting. No God does not do it like your ancestor or parent. God does it with a unique stands of stuff called DNA, and the Psalmist described this process well when He wrote:
You created my inmost being.
You knit me together
In my mother's womb.
Take time out to think about what this means. First, it means no child ever born is an accident. They are not a mistake. The designer of the Universe took the time to put together the parts of two people, loving or not, and He worked the miracle called you.
Second, the circumstances of conception do not make the person who was conceived any less valuable once they discovered this planet in the form of a baby. And the circumstances of conception do not make them, some how, "less than" anyone else. Like everyone who makes it into this world, you are God's Miracle... just like every other child. I know this because, as someone once said, "God don't make no junk."
Third, this knitting job is symbolic of something very important, as you journey through life. You are God's work in progress. He is not finished with you. He has formed you for a purpose, and if you seek God in prayer, through Christ, He will reveal your "purpose filled life." He will redeem you. He will sanctify you... declare you holy, blameless and free from all accusation. He will perfect you into Christ image, in time, as the Holy Spirit writes God's laws on your heart and places them in your mind. Just as He knit you together in your Mother's womb, even so He will combine all the elements of your experiences to produce life in you.
Finally, your Creator- who loves you- is one who has made it clear that you have great worth apart from your performance because Christ gave His life for you, and He has therefore imparted great value to you. You are deeply loved by the Lord...completely forgiven and fully pleasing to the Lord... AND you are absolutely complete in Christ Jesus. Yup! God has done, is doing and will do a great knitting job for you... if you surrender to God, through Christ daily.
Now, go on out and be blessed today.
Especially Today.
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