John's Digital Pictures Of Jesus: Night School.

JPEG. Group of Pictures/ John 3... NIGHT SCHOOL

Pay attention class.  Night school is now in session. Smile for the camera  Nick.
 John is taking a picture of true spiritual transformation in progress, as at night,  a guy named Nicodemus comes to the Teacher.  And he gets a life transforming -birth from above- education that seems to change the course of his life.  Actually JPEG. #3 is actually a series of digital class pictures...Picture this:

Credentials: In our day, Nick would have been the teach.
                      He is one of the great formal religious teachers
                       of his time... Sanhedrin leader and Pharisee. 
                       He is "Somebody."
Confession:  He believed Jesus to be a miracle working man of God.
Commanded: Picture this... Jesus commanded Nick that, in spite
                         of his regal robes, status and  position, Nick needed
                         something that Nick did not have; he needed grace
                         and truth.
                         He needed to be born from above or "born again."
Confusion:  Nick is pictured as being puzzled about something
                     the Rabbi thought/thinks is basic stuff.  So Jesus
                     painted some pictures of how this works.
  • Jesus gave him a picture of a physical illustration. John 3:5-7
  • Jesus gave him a picture of a natural illustration.  John 3:8
  • Jesus gave him a picture of a scriptural illustration. John 3:14-15 and Numbers 21:1-10.
Conclusion:  The last JPEGs.... John 3:16-21
  • A Picture Of God's Love as He gives up His Son.
  • A Picture of God's Love's purpose... salvation not condemnation.
  • A Picture of the failure in the class John 3:18b
  • A Picture of God lighting up the life of the one in darkness with His Salvation.
Okay... class is over.  Two or three years pass.  Jesus died on the cross, after being lifted up on it.What should be done with the body.  Two people knew exactly what to do.  One of those pictured was  a rich man named Joseph.  The other... well... it was Nick who came at night.  And he was putting his life on the line, but he helped bury Jesus that day.  I think it is reasonable to believe that Nick got the picture. I hope you save this picture to your life's album as well.
Go be blessed 2day
Especially 2day.


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