John's Digital Pics Of Jesus: THE WEDDING PLANNER
John 2:1-10 or JPEG.2
As we look at John's digital picture album, we see JPEG.2, We see his lens focused on a wedding to which Jesus and His disciples were invited. They were indeed "partying on." It looks like MOM/ Mary was the wedding planner of some kind??? Refreshments were running low. So she set the example for us on how to handle even "the small stuff" of life. And rather sweat the "Small Stuff," She did what God tells us to do... Cast all your cares on HIM because He cares for you.
Check out John 2:1-10 and you will see Jesus first Miracle came as He obeyed (honored) His MOM. The Miracle was not about opening blinded eyes, causing the mute to talk, causing the deaf to hear. It was not about standing up a paralyzed person so they could carry their bed home on the Sabbath. No... it was nothing as profound as these. It did, however, set the stage for all that would come later, including these miracles I mentioned.
This may surprise you, but the miracle at this Wedding Party was simply a miracle to keep the party going. Yup! John took a picture of Jesus - "A Man of sorrows acquainted with grief-" Keeping a party from being a bust. He was celebrating on that day, and He helped others continue the Joy, Peace, Happiness and Blessedness of the Sacredness of Marriage (the symbol of His own "Marriage Supper of The Lamb.)" He made Sacred that which is Sacred because it represents the ultimate fulfillment of Christ's Redemption Plan, when His Bride (the Church) is presented to Him (The Bridegroom) pure, spotless, redeemed and forgiven.
Therefore, JPEG. 2 is one that should surely be left in this E-Album of pictures. Why? Because Jesus began His earthly miracles celebrating and setting the stage for the final act of His redemptive plan. He made sacred the marriage of a Man and a Woman because of what it represents.
Get The Picture?
Save It To The Album Of Your Heart.
Then Be Blessed 2day... Especially Today :O)
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