The Third Tool For Coping With Anxiety Attacks: Praise or Thanksgiving

Please understand it really is okay to be anxious, and it really is not a sin...(See previous posts on coping with anxiety.)  Next to cope God gives us hope by inviting us to pray and petition Him.  The next part is critical....
Overcoming Anxiety Attacks through spirituality requires we pray, petition and do so "With Thanksgiving."  Thank God He is in control.  Thank God He is the Wonderful Counselor who listens.  Thank God that He is NOT surprised by the anxiety provoking event.  Thank God that He knew how it started and how the event will end. Praise God for the fact you are never alone.  Thank Him that in your weakness He cares about your anxieties.  Thank Him that it is indeed at the point of your weakness that He will make you strong.  Thank God that He indeed understands the anxiety you are facing.  And as you praise Him,  He will come to inhabit your praise and balance your emotions, while you Pray, Petition and Praise.
One thing that is really important to note is that we don't have to feel "good" to say thank you, God.  We just need to practice the praise... for we live by faith and not by sight (emotions.) The less painful and more balanced... and even joyful emotions are more likely going to happen when we simply carry out God's plan for coping with Anxiety.  Focusing on a gratitude list will impart thoughts of gratitude and feelings of the same.
Practice these things and
Be Blessed 2day
Especially 2day.


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