How precious are Your thoughts to me,
O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I could count them all, they would outnumber all the grains of sand
in the Universe.
Psalm 139:17-18
Hears a challenge for you that can lift your spirit: After you read the Psalmist's word above, take time out to think about how you think about what you think about these verses. I don't mean to just read it quickly and stop. I mean read it, and just sit with it "for a spell." Make these words your own words or paraphrase them. Write down your paraphrase and listen for God's message.
When I do this, I want to say WOW! How many grains of sand are in this entire Universe? About whom is the writer speaking? I tried counting all the sand in a teaspoon once, and gave up. (I did this after reading these verse.) And I know the writer is talking very personally about whoever is reading the promises. The writer is talking about y-o-u. The writer is talking about me.
In a nutshell, the writer is saying,
"You are always on God's mind!"
Now that's intimacy with God.
All of Psalm 139 is about being intimate
with God!
Why not enjoy the intimacy?
Then go on out and be blessed 2day.
Especially 2day.
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