In Greed Do We Trust

On our coins we have the words, "In God We Trust."  Sounds good being stamped right there on the face of the most poignant symbol of Mammon that there is, which is money.  Now don't get me wrong, there is NO-thing wrong with money in an of itself, but I have to tell you, after watching a certain Convention on September 4th... well... this Christ Follower (Given that I have to stand before my Creator one day and want to do so with clean hands and a clean heart), has come to a conclusion that I have made up my mind.  I want no part of their greed that robs us of our freedoms and our  Constitutional Rights, takes the very lives of babies and robs the ones who may actully get to be born.
One reason I have firmly made my decision is  that the DNC represents the epitome of the fulfillment a New Testament  Prophecy: This  clearly states that in the "last days" we will worship the creature rather than the CREATOR. In their Convention, it was clear-- from the get go-- that just the word "God" was left out of the platform. And when the re-consideration was given it was clear from the verbal vote that the word "NO!" sounded and resounded throughout the building. It is also clear to me that such people do not know (or care) that our founding documents say we are "Endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights."  These rights include:  "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  They don't want God, God's law or any morality.  It  stifles their greed founded upon creature worship.
Greed is also seen in whose body belongs to whom.  Until prayer and Bible reading (not to mention the 10 commandments) were taken out of our schools, most children were taught our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit of God.  But not these who want what they want when they want it, and the want is with fast food precision as an entitlement.  From these folks come the words, "Its my body and I will do with it as I wish.  I will have non-marital sex.  I will have sex with whom I want sex, and they can be the same gender, if that is what I want.  I will marry whom I want as well, and it makes no difference what this God has said about it. It's for me.  I want it for me.  AND I want people to pay for my choices so I can do what I want, even if it violates their spiritual/religious beliefs;" therefore, because of their greed,  we cannot have the freedom of religion we long for.  No they want us to pay for their greed. They violate our consciences and our spirituality. 
The greed is further extended when "a mistake" happens as they call it.  So what do they do?  "I am in charge of my body, and if I want to abort the baby (stop its brain from functioning, crush its body, cut it out or suction it out, or if it gets to 6 months I can burn it out through injections into its little body." But there is more.  "Because I want what I want," and the baby reaches 9 months, the President and his party have decided that Partial Birth Abortion is okay. (Happens about 4,000 times a month.)  What's that?  Well, the baby, at 9 months is breached (legs are pulled out with head in the birth canal). The baby is face down, and the surgeon cuts the spinal cord at the base of the neck effectively killing the baby.  These people in the DNC voted this as a part of their platform.  No wonder they want "God" to be NO where around their convention.  It's all about greed and creature worship. Yet these greedy people call others "extreme."
Here is the "kicker."  They want the government (we pay the government) to pay for these so called procedures.  They cannot be responsible.  They want us to pay the cost; therefore, they want you and me to pay for this murderous behavior and simply go along like nothing has happened. They don't want God. They want greed, and they don't want us clinging to our "God, Guns and religion." They want creature worship.  So they violate the First Amendment of our Constitution, and through their creature worship driven agenda, they once again try to keep us from having freedom of worship...  Freedom to follow God after the dictates of our hearts. They also steal from the Baby its Creator endowed rights of "Life" "Liberty" and the "Pursuit of Happiness."
Greed is seen by their wild expectation to be sure every human need is provided from cradle to the grave (though getting to the cradle might be a bit dicey) They want to "Share the Wealth" as they say, but in actuality the President and his party has thrown away billions/trillions and stuffed the pockets of their favored supporters in Solyndra like fashion, as they spend 90 Billion on one failure after another.  But then again, the greed is satisfied, while they call everyone else greedy and dishonest. I want to know something;therefore,  If they are "sharing the wealth" why is it that we now have more people in poverty since they took over the reigns of government?  Why are there more and more people out of work? Why is our nation on the verge of bankruptsy?
Finally, we are 16 Trillion dollars in debt.  What in the heck is a trillion?  I was listening to someone who was trying to help us wrap our minds around it.  "If you took one million dollars on the day that Christ was born, he said; and if you spend one million a day from that day of Jesus Birth to now, you would not spend a trillion dollars (A Million Millions of Dollars.) Yet, these greedy ones have us now indebted 16 Trillion dollars.  100 babies born this year presently owe $5 million dollars in taxes because of the debts these folks are running up, and it will get worse... that is they owe $50,000 a piece in taxes.  And if these folks stay in power, it will become an exponentially explosive outcome.  Their remedy?  Spend more than you have already spent. So they don't care if they spend your children or your grand children's money!  
Come on parents! Come on Grandparents! Let's stop this insanity before we go bankrupt!!  Let's shut off the dollars that feed the addictions of these greedy ones. Let's put an end to this greed and creature worship before it is to late! Folks it will NOT belong until our government collapses! And we are already at the place where government expenditures are sucking the life out of our small businesses.
So this ole SoJourner has indeed made up his mind.  Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are being taken from those of us who have spent years doing our part to build this nation. Our children and grandchildren are being robbed as they are forced to "share the wealth."  I do not want to turn over any more of my freedom to those who want me to pay (or our children/grandchildren to pay) so the creature worshippers can have what they have, even if it means adding to the 50 plus million human lives all ready aborted/taken.  I want no part of a party that has such a hard time deciding whether or not God is important.  This will be settled, and when it is settled, they won't have a hard time understanding. I want no part of a party that has such difficulty admitting what they have so much of.... American money...but would not want any part of trusting in God.
Yup!  In God I Do Trust!
You Creature Worshippers Are Going To Do Your Greedy "Thang!"
As For Me And My House...
We WILL Serve The Lord!!!!!!!


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