By His own blood, He entered--once and for all-- into God's most Holy Place, 
having purchased 
eternal redemption for us. 
Hebrews 9:12

                        "Once And For All"
                                           "Purchased"By His own Blood.
For Us.

Now when I first started writing this particular blog today, I did not intend to have an acrostic pop up; however, as I simply wrote down what I thought were key words... well... H-O-P-E began to spring to life. Yes, indeed, the God of DO OVERS provides hope for hopeless people... People you and me... broke God's law, for which a Holy God requires the death penalty.

However, and yet... That is only part of the Love Story.  That is only a part of this story I just called H-O-P-E.  The rest includes Jesus fulfilling the promise of the Old Testament Lamb that was slain (each year) to turn aside God's Wrath. To say this another way. The Lamb was slain to Atone for Sins committed. In other words the lamb was slain back there in the centuries gone by.  BUT the lamb was slain every year, and the folks would be declared ceremonially clean... forgiven for a season or year. 

So where does Jesus fit in with all this?  Good question: He came and lived on this earth a sin free life, and He was therefore the HOLY Lamb of God "Who takes away the sins of the world."  He did this "Once and for all."  All our sin was future.  So it is very clear this means He ("Once and For ALL") suffered, bled and died for ALL our sins.... past, present and future.  '

Now, "Without the shedding of blood, there is NO forgivenss for sin."  This is true in the Old Covenant and The New Covenant. (Check out Hebrews 9:22) The bandaid (temporary fix) was the yearly ritual of atonement, in the Old Testament... a spotless pure Lamb was slain. This was also an object lesson of prophetical things to come: The permanent fix was put in when God poured out His wrath on HIMSELF. He did this through HIS Son, Jesus... "The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole world." 

Therefore, Jesus quite literally "purchased" our redemption "once and for all."

What's redemption?  Another good question.  Redemption is the means by which God liberates us from the power of sin that causes us to be law breakers.  He then gives us His Divine Nature (Via His New Covenant). Redemption is also the act of God Justifying us or declaring us NOT GUILTY for our sins.  Redemption is God giving us a clean life record.  When God looks on, the "White Board Record" of our life,  He declares us  Holy and Blameless. Our life record is expunged.  It is a clean record!!!

Now I know a number of my fellow Veterans who have done some serious Jail time.  They were convicted of some  BAD stuff... in the eyes of the World; however and yet... They now have come to Jesus.  They have turned from their old life to Jesus  for salvation help.  The have taken John 3:16-18 seriously.  They have decided to believe in Jesus and his "redemptive" salvation work.  Guess What?  The World may hold all that bad stuff against them.  God says, "I forgive you." God also says, " Your Record is clean."  One more... God says to them, "Your sins and lawless acts I remember NO MORE!  

This H-O-P-E is also Eternal:  It goes beyond today.  In fact Eternal is defined as sharing in the very life of God FOREVER!  So the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus body and blood brings us to a place of a forever relationship with the Heavenly Father, as well as Jesus and the Holy Spirit.   Now, I don't know about you, but to me... well... that is REAL  H-O-P-E.  And I hope you let this H-O-P-E  spring to life in your heart and in your life.  Then you will....




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