The True War On Women

I have listened carefully to some women recently talking about how they are feeling that they are being attacked.. Or at least that is what is implied by saying their opponents are "Waging a war on women." 
Now they are not talking about all women.  They are talking about specific type of women.  Their type of women are not conservative or traditional in their value system.  Women of Biblical faith are especially not their kind.  No...They are concerned about  so called progressive elites or liberals who think like them. I know this because they go ballistic when a woman of another point of view is anywhere near them.  But I digress.
These elitist seem to  feel attacked because they want to be able to be sexually active --  married or unmarried -- with no consequences for their choices. And they want to have others-- who might just egregiously disagree with their life choices on religious grounds-- pay the bill with their hard earned tax payer monies. (Tax money after all does not come from the Government.  It comes from the citizens who pay the government.)
 Additionally, if these elitist "victims" do get pregnant,  they want the right to terminate the life of the baby that is in their womb. Some of them even go so far as to want to be able to do so, if they expect a little girl instead of a boy.  Their platform even wants them to be able to do this abortion even up to the time when the Baby is a full term 9 month baby. (We don't even want to describe how this barbarian act is done. It will horrify you and make you sick.) By the way, these persons want others to pay for this death event as well... even if it violates the religious or other  principles of those people who disagree with them.
I observed these very attractive ladies as they stood before the TV.  They had some of the best clothes and hair styles I have ever seen.  The jewelry they war was opulent as they talked about how they were being so sorely mistreated by the other side. None of them looked as if they were starving.  And they clearly were speaking publicly,with GREAT freedom.  They demonstrated  no fear of being harmed in any way. This is certainly not true of their sisters who are ruled by Sharia law.
Just as an aside:  They (these poor battered dear souls) don't want you or me to talk about the "War on Terror" where there are people who have been reared from infancy to hate us and want to kill us for their God. They don't want us to talk about the war that will continue to be waged against the U.S., Israel and it's allies long after we have left Afghanistan. They do not even want to talk about the Real War on Women that I am about to describe. They stand silent for their suffering sisters, even though they spoke from such a HUGE international "megaphone."  But they want to talk about how there is a pseudo war waged against them.
Well I have seen the results of real war up close and personal.  I have seen just how devastating is humanities inhumanity to our fellow human beings. I have seen the amputated, beaten, battered, brain damaged, blinded,  bruised,  broken, blasted and spinal cord severed results of military service coming from a war zone.  I work with people daily who have the invisible wounds.  I have some of these wounds myself.  I can tell you this.  These ladies have NO idea what war is, and they ARE NOT experiencing war against them.
Let me tell you a little bit about the TRUE WAR ON WOMEN:  The True War on Women keeps women covered from head to toe, and if they remove their facial covering (or show an ankle) they will be beaten within an inch of their life. Or they may be stoned to death. Or they may be shot dead as they were in Afghanistan before we Americans arrived.   
 If these women under Sharia Law get raped, many times they are the ones imprisoned or stoned to death for being "adulterers." The man goes free. Sharia law is NOT compassionate to women.   The True War on Women -blessed by Sharia law- tells little girls, they are to be the property of their husband, and they don't own themselves.  The True War on Women allows for the mutilation of  their genitalia for reasons I cannot fathom.  The True War on Women allows for a man to have as many wives as he wants, and he can do with them as he wishes.  The True War on Women tells little girls they cannot go to school.  They cannot participate in public life. They cannot be a Doctor or a Teacher or any other professional. Indeed they had best just stay out of the public square.  They cannot even publicly drive a car or sit in the front seat of a car, especially if a man is in the car. In worship they have to sit in the back of the Mosque away from the men.   If they, in their Dad's eyes, dishonor the family, he is "honor bound" to kill her.  We call this "Honor killings."  He is their judge and juror. He is their executioner. The True War on Women, quite simply makes the woman less than a slave. The True War on Women does not see this treatment of women as wrong. Indeed The radical Islamists view this as the way it is "suppose to be." The Radical Islamists want this for all women every where. They want the women in my life treated this way.  They want the women in your life treated this way. They want ALL women treated this way.
Things are different for women in the USA. Yet, here in America, these well fed, well dressed, neatly manicured, highly educated, articulate  "professional" women want to say they are being attacked. They can indeed speak freely as they wish. No there in no war being waged against these American female celebrates at all.  But they are complicit in the war being waged against their sisters around the world.  They shout loudly for  themselves, but when it comes to their sisters throughout the world... well... their silence is deafening.

One thing appears to be certain: They do want us to take care of them from the cradle to the grave. But the big trick for their babies is even making it to the cradle in once piece... especially if the baby is a girl, who, to these elitist pseudo warriors, has no right to choose. Yet these elitist women want to have all the choices at everyone else's expense. They want no responsibility or consequences.  And they have the nerve to say a  war is being waged  against them, while their sisters throughout the world are victims of a very real war.
Yes, they say a war is fought against them.

Well they are wrong!

Please pray for those women against whom
The True War On Women
Is Being


  1. I get it, you don't like that people who disagree with you use the phrase "war on women" in their political rhetoric, and that there are women around the world that live under horrible oppression. Overuse of "war" as a metaphor is as American as apple pie (cf. "War on Crime", "War on Drugs", "War on High Prices", "War on Poverty", "War on Gangs", "War on Cancer", "War on Christmas").

    What I don't understand is what makes you feel it's necessary to ascribe a series of very specific beliefs to what is an obvious caricature of those that disagree with you.

    Here are some of the claims you made:

    1) "they want to have others— who might just egregiously disagree with their life choices on religious grounds— pay the bill with their hard earned tax payer monies."

    2) "Their platform even wants them to be able to do this abortion even up to the time when the Baby is a full term 9 month baby."

    3) "they are complicit in the war being waged against their sisters around the world."

    These are all very bold claims to make about a group of people without ever once saying who you are actually talking about. This is why, I think, you are also being so remarkably condescending when speaking about them. "[P]oor battered dear souls," "elitist victims", "elitist pseudo warriors" are all ways of being dismissive of arguments without ever actually engaging in discussion. If you were actually talking about or to a real person, I at least want to believe you would never be so condescending.

    1) Are you claiming that these women are looking for tax payer funded abortion? Do you have any evidence that many/most/all pro-choice Americans think this should be the case, or is this just a strawman?

    2) Is there any evidence that many/most/all pro-choice Americans think abortion should be available until immediately before birth, or is this just a strawman?

    3) I think this might be the statement you made with the most "nerve" to it. So, I, like these "elitist pseudo warriors" you've made up, fully support a woman's right to choose an abortion. I would like to be 100% clear with you right now: my belief that abortion should be legal and safe has absolutely no bearing on whether I think it is wrong that women are oppressed in other parts of the world.

    The presence of oppressed women in the Muslim world has absolutely no bearing on the legitimacy of the arguments of Americans about domestic women's policy issues. Your attempt to link the two together is just a red herring used to declare people that disagree with you as uncaring, bad people.

    It is possible to care about US women's domestic issues along with the plight of oppressed women elsewhere in the world.

    It is also possible to speak in disagreement without painting those that disagree with you as ultra-late term sex-selecting abortion proponents that are complicit in the horrible oppression of women in parts of the Muslim world.

  2. Hi Nick.

    Thanks for your concern to think about what is going on. All too many are not even concerned. Any datails I cited can easily be located in the CDC, The Democratic Platform and other record keeping agencies of the Federal government. They can also be found in the "Affordable Care Act." Which most people have not researched. See your # 1 & #2

    Regarding the phrase "War" on anything. If you have ever seen it, "War" or its results, I am fairly certain you would not like the phrase thrown about by any political party.

    Yes, It is possible to care about US Women's issues along with the plight of women around the world, but I challenge you to find me documented facts backing up that the people, whom I highlighted, have demonstrated concern for these women. They did not even care enough about their plight to think about it or write about it in their platform; yet, they had a lot to say about their $9 contraceptives and the "War" on their "reproductive rights." The Catholic Church is suing to maintain their freedoms because of this one issue. Their religious liberties are being violated. THey do not want to pay for these "rights." And the courts will decide, but again, I am stating facts. See your #2

    Regarding your personal "offense," I know for certain I did not think about you at all (see your #3). But I did have specific people in mind as stated.

    By the way, what activities are you doing to help the plight of these Islamic women being persecuted? The people I sighted, may say they are concerned, but all their energy is directed at taking care of the abortion type issues. Thinking about something, as you say you do, has little to do with actually doing something about it. I have put my life on the line, more than once, for their freedom and yours... even for to say what you say in disagreement with me. Thinking is not doing.

    Finally, it is indeed possible to "speak" in disagreement without doing the "painting" you say. But it is factual what these people DO. They do NOT, it is a fact, spend time defending horribly oppressed women in the Islamic World and other places. They simply have NOT done so. The DO spend an inordinate amount of time acting in the ways I stated. Reporting Facts that are on Video for the whole world to see (especially during the DNC) is not just a matter of speaking in disagreement. Get the video and preview it.

    Let me thank you again for disagreeing with me and for taking the time to think and express your views. This is what makes our Nation GREAT. Discussing issues is what matters. BTW. I take no offense at your opinions,(Americans have the right to hold opposing views and express them freely.) And always remember I love you and I love Christy. That will always be true.


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