The Shepherd's Promise #9: Power To Work Through

You Prepare A Table For Me
In The Presence Of My Enemies.
As I think about this promise, I feel the need to ask some questions: "Do I actually have an enemy?  Do I have enemies?  Are there actually people out there who do not wish me well?  Are there indeed people who would do whatever they need to be sure that they win (or get their way), even if they need to hurt me so they can have what they want?  How would you answer these questions for yourself?"
Life in this school of hard knocks has taught me that that-if it is your ultimate goal to do the right thing or best thing- you might just step very soundly on the toes of those who do not seek any more than the substandard and or mediocre. And, if you add to this that such folks have the motivation that comes from the darkness and being  self centered, you can almost count on having someone in your life who will do whatever they can to make your life miserable. They will lie about you.  They will develop false scenarios and express them as being true.  Doing the right thing will get you confronted by "an enemy."  It will cause a confrontation with someone who is not out to accomplish the same goals.
In such situations, I have learned it is best to humble yourself in prayer before the LORD, my Christ Follower friends.  It requires you truly let Him take over the circumstances and take over the you that is you.  It takes being humble in your approach to the enemy.  It takes letting the Good Shepherd develop-- in you-- the character that is  like His own. (See Galatians 5:22-23) It takes the courage to give up fighting so as to sit at the table and be the Minister of Reconciliation for which He is calling you... not judgmentally, not with a condemning attitude but with a forgiving compassionate spirit. God will take care of all the judging that needs to be done.  You simply let Him take care of the table He has provided you and let Him guide you.
As you surrender to The Good Shepherd and walk according to what I just shared, you will find the Good Shepherd is your refuge.  He is your strength.  He is your present help in your hour of need.  You will find, if He brought you to the table, He will bring you to a place where you need to be... as painful as it may be.
One thing is for certain.  You are not alone at this table of fellowship with your enemy/enemies. You might be able to win them over.  If not... well... God has the final say.


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