Reciprocal Spirituality
Old Johnny Appleseed knew what he was doing planting all those seeds throughout his region, and he expected a harvest to be reaped that was hundreds of thousands of times greater than he had sown. He received exactly what he expected.
When he planted those apple seeds, he was intentional: He was intentional about what he wanted to grow, and he was intentional about what he did not want. In other words he was NOT expecting peas, okra, squash, watermelon or oranges. He was expecting apples. So he sowed the right seed, at the right time in the right place, and he did it on purpose. Needless to say he demonstrated a fruitful life. He demonstrated reciprocal sowing and reaping. He indeed did reap what he had sown.
Our spirituality (or spiritual journey) is of little difference conceptually: Paul summed it up about as good as it can be said. Sow to the Spirit and you will reap spiritual fruit. In other words, sow to the Spirit and you will reap the very Character of God. Focus the locus of your focus on surrendering and abiding daily with the LORD, as you seek His guidance and grace, and you will experience the Divine harvest coming out of your spiritual center that begins to look like love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness/goodness, meekness and faithfulness (integrity.) Intentionally sow to the Spirit and you will receive a multiplied transformation of God likeness.
Turning from our sins, or law breaking, to a Savior who imparts to us God's Divine nature is the first step, and the rest of the above is a simplified way of following up to produce the above mentioned spiritual produce. Before any of the harvest can come, we must do the above on purpose. We must do it intentionally, and we can do so because we are empowered by The Supernatural Power who governs our Universe. He gives us freedom to live a spiritually fruitful life on purpose. He lights up our lives, and He brings us out of darkness.
The opposite is true when we sow to what our Ancient Script, The Holy Bible, calls the "flesh." Jesus tells us until we turn to Him, we are slaves to sin. Or we are slaves to the "flesh." We are in the dark. We do not have the Divine Nature by which He can transform our lives. Some would rather not turn because sowing to the "flesh" seems only natural to the darkened mind that is lost. The abnormal normal from which Creator God wants to "save" them is the path they choose. And that is the way it will be because the Creator does not force folks to do other than what they choose or sow; however, choosing the flesh and sowing to the flesh will yield a harvest: The harvest is called corruption.... not a good thing. It is a hellish sort of thing, actually.
Some reading this will just not get it, and they may think old SoJourner is a little crazy. That fits perfectly with a corrupted mind that looks to what is natural and not Supernatural to process their existance. The Ancient Script says they actually think what I am saying is foolishness.
My hope is that such thinking will be changed. Because it still is true: We reap what we sow. What goes around does indeed come around. Creation shouts to demonstrate this supernatural law of sowing and reaping. And the Creator proclaims it as He offers good news to empower folks live out The Healthy/Holy Reciprocal Spirituality.
What are you intentionally sowing? What are intentionally teaching your children and or grandchildren to sow. Usually these cycles are generational. I do hope you choose life. I do hope you let God light up your life. I do hope you decide to sow to the Spirit each new day You will be glad you did.
Be Blessed Today... Especially 2day
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