Intimacy With God: God Thinking About You

You Are Always On God's Mind

How intimate are the thoughts you think about me, O LORD, how vast is the
total sum of them?
If I could count them, they would outnumber all the grains of sand.

Through out this ole blog as I have written about intimacy with God, I have not said a lot because this Psalm 139 is fairly self explanatory.  BUT there is something P-R-O-F-O-U-N-D being said here... meaning I feel the need for a brief reflection.

Did you hear what this Psalmist said?  He said the thoughts that God thinks about you, me and all three out number the grains of sand.  Say What?  Now that is powerful.

Check this out.  Next time you find a sandy space go take a teaspoon with you.  Dig it in the sand.  Then wet your finger tip, and touch your finger tip to the sand.  Try just counting the grains of sand on your finger tip.  Once you have counted ALL that sand in one teaspoon do it again.  I doubt you will get past the first teaspoon as you conduct your sand census.  You are talking a whole lot of grains of sand in that teaspoon.

God says "You are all ways on God's mind."  How do I know.  Because God's thoughts (about you , me and we three) out number all the grains of sand in the entire universe.  God said A-L-L.

Now that is a whole lot of thinking God is doing, and He is thinking it about you.  Think about this for a while and then...

Be Blessed 2day
Especially 2day.


From Psalm 139


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