The Power Of Receiving Jesus

He came to his own, but His own simply did not receive Him; however, Those who receive Jesus will find that they receive the power, right and privilege to be Children of God.
John 1:11 & 12

Let me take some time out to think about how I am thinking about what I am thinking about when I think about this portion of God's Ancient Wisdom.  First, it begins with Jesus being rejected by those who should have been most close to him.  Think about that.  Your first experience with your people is one of rejection. 

I don't know about you, but given Jesus was in a human body that was perfectly tuned to experience feelings this first encounter with his earthy kin had to be painful.  Yet He did not let this get Him down.  He simply used this as a means of opening a door for those who were in darkness to walk through this door into new light.

Think about it:  He opens this door and says, "Whoever wills to do so, may come."  He then gives the invitation, "Come on in, and if you do... if you receive me, I am going to give you some very special power. I am going to give you some new rights.  I am going to give you a new privilege:  I am going to give you my Divine Nature so you can be adopted as one of my little brothers and sisters.  I am going to give you the stuff to be enough to be considered with me as an heir of Almighty God.  You will be able to BE God's Child, and you will have all you need to live like a Child of God."  Whew!  Now that is some GOOOOOOD Stuff.  

Listen closely now:  He now stands at the door of your heart. (Revelation 3:20).  And He is now knocking on the door of your heart, knowing full well that the door knob to your heart is only on the inside.  So only you can open this door.  He will not knock it down.  As He knocks  He says, "Just as I invited you into my eternal life, I am now sealing the deal: I want to come into your life."  Whatcha gonna do? He won't reject you, if you don't reject Him.

My sincere prayer is, that if you have not already received Him, you will do so right now.  Simply say, "Into my heart... into my heart... come into my heart Lord Jesus.  Come into day... come into stay... come into my heart, Lord Jesus."

If you do this He will come into your heart and into your life, and He will have fellowship daily with you and you with him.  You will be an heir of God and or a Child of God.   You will have the Divine power to begin living like it as well.

That's all I have to say for now. 
 Y'all be blessed 2day... Especially Today.



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