Pondering These Days
And Mary Pondered All These Things In Her heart...
Last night TLOML and I were sitting across from a HUGE Christmas tree in Lakeland, Florida. The tree is designed to change colors, and so it did. We were just sitting there being together "pondering."
Thinking... I reflected about an FB post about our "Lil Man" at Lego Land just having a good ole time pushing a button. Now there was something wrong with that button. It just would NOT cause anything to happen, and it was really something to see him pondering the situation. Somehow it shoulda, woulda coulda done something when he pushed it. This is only logical to his 1 year old mind. After all his Dad's phone and computer buttons accomplish amazing things :o)
Then I started thinking about Big Stuff and Lil bit, as they were crushing up something on the floor that Mom needed as a special ingredient for a special Christmas dish. Can't remember exactly what it was that they were helping with, but is sure looked like a good Christmas thing to be doing :o) Looked like they were kind of enjoying it as well.
Later I "pondered" about the challenges faced by our adult children and their spouses as they journey together with their families (and The Loves Of Their Lives.) This year has really been a year of more than their share of mountains to climb. TLOML and I prayed and prayed for them and offered them support as they needed. But at this stage of life things are different from decades gone by. Pondered how different it is to have moved being the "directors" roles of their lives (When they were children) to observers offering support. Yup! Challenges and joys... all a part of each one of their journeys. They seem to be making daily progress, as they climb their individual and collective mountains, with God's help.
Continuing to ponder, I thought about my parents, now gone to be with the LORD. For some reason I think about them and how they journeyed as their Children and grands ... later great grands ... moved through this Odyssey of life. I pondered how strange it feels to have moved so quickly through so many stages of life to arrive here at the beginning of being "seasoned" citizens... This presents it own challenges. As Betty Davis once said, "Getting old ain't for sissies."
Through all of this pondering about change, challenges, aging, joy and sorrow... well... I feel a sense of gratitude. (I am thinking Mary--the mother of our LORD-- must have felt the same.) Why? Because none of this is meaningless. Quite the contrary... it is full of meaning. The Creator is fulfilling HIS plan through us, and we all get to participate! We all get to live FULLY! And everything HE brings us to HE will surely see us through. Even with the aging that brings our bodies to the place of the next stage... heaven... we get to experience life to the full!!! So in our joy and our sorrow (and everything in between) we have as our God and guide the ONE in whom we live, and move, and breath and have our being. We are NOT alone. Yes indeed... I am grateful today, and feeling a bit blessed.
Y'all Be ?Blessed 2day
Especially 2day.
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