"Good Reception"

But as many as received Him, to them HE gave the power to become Children of God. John

I was in a fare size edifice the other day, an ye olde Droid just did NOT receive a signal... not even one bar.  Now it did NOT matter that this is one of those 4G jobbies.  It just did not work.  It did not matter that it has the capability, when it comes on to say the way cool "Droid." This fine peace of technological material was worthless and failed miserably to live up to its identity?  Why?  Simple.  NO connection. 

Long time ago I did make a connection.  I opened up may heart to receive by faith Jesus... whom I firmly believe is unquestionably the Son of God and one with God... if you get my drift.  Ever since I received Him, I received the special stuff to be enough to truly live, character flaws and all. 

Oh I do have my good days, bad days, happy days and sad days.  I do have those times when I am up, and I have those days when I am down.  I have those days when I smile and those days when I frown.  I have those days when I am weak, and I when I am strong... not to mention stuff inbetween.  But it's not the same as merely existing because in receiving him, unlike ye olde droid, I always get the signal and He never will disconnect.

You see it's a faith journey.  It's a "whosoever believeth in Him" journey.  And this journey with Jesus demonstrates clearly that "Life is indeed and adventure!" 

I hope you chose to have 'good reception."  I hope you hold on the the Lord's hand (one day at a time one step at a time ... and do so by faith.

Then I pray
Your WILL be Blessed Today
Especially Today


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