Miraculous Wisdom!

When all the voices fall silent,
and no one even speaks, 

I am so grateful to the Almighty that
that He speaks ...and speaks ... and speaks.

As we listen to Him speaking
He gives us strength
so that we will not fall.

It is then that He gives us  wisdom
 to experience the ONE who is ALL In ALL 

It is then He gives us the ability
to pray for that which we would have
never prayed...
if we had listened for mere human voices
to guide what we say when we pray.

Through the silence,
He gives us what others think we have not even heard;nevertheless ...
 we hear distinctly His silent HOLY Words.

When God does this, He empowers us "
to abide"
And in this abiding we find Him deep inside. 

In this sweet communion, we pray
according to His will.

Praise God for this Miraculous Wisdom!!!
It Comes when we are still.


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