Blessings Happen When....

I attended a church today that simply has a wonderful history.  I really "got blessed" in that house of worship today.   But more than that, they really worshipped God in a way that touched me to my soul. I am talking about Rehoboth UMC in Williamsport, MD.  Check out their web page below:

So I asked myself, "Self why did I get so blessed?  Why did the people seem so blessed?"
Here is what I came up with:

First:  Christ of The Cross

They lifted up the Cross of Christ. They lifted up JESUS who said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all people to myself:  HE fulfilled HIS promise of drawing folks to himself right in front of our eyes.

Second: Children

Jesus is ALL about Children. HE told us as much, when HE blessed them. They had lot's of Children singing praises to GOD as only this generation of little ones could do.

Third: Committed to Worship

They committed themselves to worship and the preaching of the WORD. I mean folks really did
make a joyful noise unto the LORD.  And GOD did indeed inhabit those praises. The WORD was indeed preached.

Fourth: Communion (As in Holy Communion)

They received Communion (Holy Communion) as the Community of Faith in a caring/loving way.
The folks did NOT just go through the motions

Finally: Celebration of Our Nation

They did something that not many UMC churches do today... They celebrated this country and the Judeo -Christian heritage upon which this nation is built, and they did so in a way of expressing love for this nation that was... well special and appropriate. They indeed ackowledged the truth that is in our history:  The history said, "We are endowed by our CREATOR"  with the rights and freedoms we have

Needless to say we were all blessed,  and did I mention the place was packed.  I believe this was so because GOD blesses those who find out where GOD is blessing and then they join HIM.  To often we beg GOD to bless what we are doing... BIG MISTAKE!  We would do much better if we would find out where GOD is blessing and join GOD in that place.

Abraham Lincoln was once in a conversation, during the "Civil War." The person speaking to him said, "Mr. President, GOD must surely be on our side."  President Lincoln's response is highly insightful:  He said to this person, "Sir I am not so much concerned that GOD is on my side as I am concerned with being certain I am on GOD's side."

Do you want GOD to bless you today?
Find out where GOD is blessing... Join GOD.


Be Blessed 2-day
Especially 2day.



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