Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, by praying to God and petitioning God and thanking God present your requests to God:Then the peace that surpasses anything you can understand will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-8
I was just thinking about how many people get sweaty palms, a lump in their throats, fear in their hearts or worry in their souls, when they cannot control what they wanna control. Matter of fact, I have experienced this myself. We call this "anxiety."
So what can we do about it? Good question to which the Apostle we call Paul, formerly known as Saul, has a quality answer that can change your life, if you put it in to practice. Here is his plan:
Don't BE:
"Anxious about anything." Please note I did a "no/no." I put a period after these 3 words, when it is actually followed by a comma and the word "but." So... what we have here is a statement to set a goal about not being anxious B-U-T, if you are anxious, you are not sinning, as some would say. Even Jesus got anxious, BUT He practiced what Paul said here before Paul ever said it. (Check out the Garden of Gethsemane.) With blood sweating from His brow, Jesus knew how to talk "it" over with God. Remember that Jesus never sinned.
Do BE:
Okay... let's get back on track: "Don't be anxious about anything, BUT in Everything do 4 things:
1. Pray or talk to the LORD all about it.
2. Petition God. Give HIM the details in detail.
3. Thank God for the thing about which you are
anxious and for all the "stuff" that is really
"bugging" you.
4. Present it all to Him. In other words offer it
all up to Him so He can receive your burden
instead of you holding on to what is hurting you.
Give it up!!!
God gives you a guard for your heart and mind: Or "The Peace of God That surpasses ALL understandging will GUARD your heart and mind, IN Christ Jesus."
I Have Tried This Out And It Works For Me.
First Time You Do This, You May Want To Journal Or Write It ALL Down.
Next Time You Are Anxious See If It Works For You. Then ...
Be Blessed 2-day ... Especially 2-day
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