That first Christmas, though completely prophetic, was anything but "merry." Think about it:
- Mary, Mother of The Son of God, was 9 months pregnant. Yup! And she is riding on a vehicle with 4 legs... did I hear anyone say "donkey?" How comfortable would that be?
- Her husband was marrying her, but the rumors (all true of course) that the Daddy was NOT the Daddy abounded throughout their Jewish caravan and family. This set Mary up to be stoned. (I am not talking about stoned on drugs. I am talking about a rock concert on her person, one rock at a time.)
- The Step Daddy, Joeseph, was not traveling on vacation, he was being forced by the ruthless Roman governement to be relieved of his money in the form of taxes at the whim of the latest Roman leader.
- What about hotel reservations? None were made, and this meant homelessness for the family. Kind of scarey! Every place they went said "No Vacancy." So they found a cave where a stable had been built. They did what they could to be protected from the elements and survive.
- Baby's bed was not a comfortable crib. It was, however, a feeding trough. Diapers were simply cloths that wrapped the body of the baby.
- Danger was everywhere: Jesus escaped the sword. His faith filled Step Dad believed in God's dreams and followed the dream; however thousands of Jesus' male cousins and other Jewish male children were slaughterd. The whole land was filled with loss and grief at the loss of the babies they had to bury!
- One last thing, though there are others: A deeply religious Jewish seer of the future told Mary some great stuff about this baby Jesus, but then said "A sword will pierce your heart." This could NOT have been encouraging.
I am trying to tell you something that I have learned over the years: BAD things do happen to "good" people" even if they are seeking to do God's will. But, through it all, you can have what you need to get through the valleys of the shadow of death. You may not feel God's presence, and the circumstances may scare you spitless. We walk by faith not feelings. Anyway, I have also learned God never leaves us or forsakes us who, by faith, hold on to HIM as THE power who is our refuge and strength. HE keeps us stepping, one step at a time one day at a time. If HE allows you to come to "it," He will bring you through "it."
So let me invite you to surrender to the baby who grew up, as the Son of God, to become "a man of sorrows acquainted with grief." Let me invite you to come in prayer and be counseled by "The Wonderful Counselor" who is also "Almighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace." "Cast all your cares on Him, because HE cares for you." Just start talking to HIM as you would your favorite Therapist of Pastor... maybe even write HIM a letter.
Yes, by faith, keep on stepping sisters and brothers, and then you can come out on the "other side" and be...
Blessed 2-day ... Especially This Sacred Day
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