Finding Strength
Indeed... there are a lot of people struggling "out there." But if they learn the miracle of intimacy with God and prayer, they will experience the power that enables them to overcome every trouble and every care." Al McGowen.
I have done a whole lot of living. I have seen and experiened some of the most wonderful sights in the world, and I am not exaggerating. Then too... I have seen and experienced things no human being should ever have to see or experience. Some of these have been, shall we say, challenging: I have lost my job, thus my identity, my dignity, and I have experienced more pain than I can write about in this frame. Some of this trauma is related to military experiences and have been in the form nightmarish dreams. Some "challenges" have come as the fruit of vicious religious people inflicting pain, and some of it has been in the form of debilitating physical shock to my various somatic systems.
Now I don't say this to whine or say "pity me." I say these things for just the opposite purpose: I want to give you something to help you be free. Seek intimacy with God. Seek HIM in prayer. Make this seeking your habit. HE knows all about "it" and HE is not going anywhere. When you make this the pattern of your life. I know for a fact you can indeed get victory over any struggle or strife. Once you make this your habit, you can then go on out and...
Be Blessed 2-day ... Especially 2-day
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