Baby Boomers It's Our Turn :o)

The Old Age Psalm tells us that God is with us "Even in our old Age."  I like this.  And now this promise is  even getting more and more interesting to me every day of my journey:  Why?  Well.... now that's a good question.  

First its getting so because I am older now than I have ever been before.  And all the injuries I experienced from my teens, twenties, thirties (You know when you are invulnerable), forties and 50's are now, like the proverbial chickens,  coming home to roost.... Did I hear some one say "OUCH!"

Second, I am a man who has done all I can to stave off this thing that Betty Davis said "Ain't for Sissies."  I exercise virtually everyday [except one or two.]  I do stretches, crunches, weight training, the elliptical, walking.... and I now even have an inversion table to turn me upside down and stretch my spine.  I eat right (though my waist line does not validate it, but my blood chemistries do.)  Now that I am a Chaplain, I even sleep fairly well:  I get rest and I take time off.  Did not get to do that much as a "Pooped Pastor." (Thanks for the term Steve Brown.) Yup! I do ALL THESE HEALTHY  THINGS,  and I am physically still losing ground... go figure?

Third, I am watching my children and grands get older from afar... almost 1000 miles away.   Not much fun this distance thing.  But as I see them in their pictures, programs and costumes, I am amazed at the huge difference that is taking place in them.  (Children for TLOML and me include Children's spouses.) Not seeing the changes every day, but in snippets of time, I see them getting older as well.  The pictures bless me and the changes distress me because I am not near (but far) and not getting to really be a  part.

Fourth, I saw what old age did to my parents, and I see what it is doing to the few remaining WW2 veterans.  Indeed, watching the "Greatest Generation" face their greatest challenge (Old Age) has been a real eye opener.

Finally, the last  couple of weeks or so, I am recovering (I hope) from hurting my back.  On that hospital scale of 1 to 10, the pain has been  WAY off the scale.  Any of you with so called "bad backs" know this "ain't no fun."  TLOML has journeyed with me through this before, and she is an eye witness to how debilitating this can be.  Could not journey through this without her.  Anyway, this has really reminded me that beginning  moving toward the 70s decade is all ready a real challenge in the early days of the 60's.  I am not complaining.  I am just explaining :o)

But one thing is getting better all the time, in spite of the decline:  Here is what is so great! I am learning that there is ONE thing that is getting better. (Yes, you can "even teach a old dog new tricks.")  No I am probably not gonna be making any more 10 mile runs.  And the weights I lift eventually are going to get lighter.  All the physical stuff does not translate into personal bests anymore.  And "the old grey matter ain't what she use to be."  Yet here is some GREAT & WONDERFUL NEWS!!! (Can I Get A Drum Roll :o)  "Best of all God is with us!!!" (John Wesley's dying words.)  And God IS!..... even in what we call "Old Age." Now go on out and ...

Be Blessed 2-day ... Especially 2-day!



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