God Intimacy
Draw close to God and God WILL draw close to you. James 4:8 (NLT)
Thinking about this promise provokes all kinds of ideas that bounce around in my cranium like a B B in a Box Car... So let's bounce this around a bit. QUESTION: We Can actually get close to GOD??? Is that right? Yup? That is RIGHT ON TARGET!
Wait a minute! How can we who, in comparison to God, are microscopic sub atomic particles moving around on a sub atomic particle that rotates around a speck in the universe, called the sun... How can we can get close to THE ONE who started it all clicking and keeps it all ticking, while we are barely noticeable in the great scheme of things?
Well... believe it or not God has made it easy for us. He simply says, "Come here child." And the nano second we begin moving by faith away from sin toward the ALMIGHTY, HE rushes over and swoops us up like a little child and holds us lovingly in His divine embrace as He fills us with His love mercy and grace.
Bottom Line: We are as close to God, God's love, God's mercy and God's grace...
Now y'all go ahead and be blessed 2 day. Especially 2 day.
Snuggle on up close to God. You WILL Be Glad you did.
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