Encouragement For Those Who Are Struggling
"There's a whole lotta shaking going on" said the Big Bopper. Now more than 55 or more years later a whole lotta people are "are a hurtin for certain:" There are Spiritual Struggles, Emotional Struggles, Relational Struggles, Financial Struggles and Physical struggles.
Spiritually folks are blaming God for this, and yet The Lord God Almighty is just waiting to bring about His salvation, if the individual would surrender to Him as Savior rather than blame Him falsely as the source of this "evil" in their lives.
Emotionally they are not giving themselves permission to grieve. (And their are numerous sources of grief) Because of the pain (and "messed up" messages people are giving them) they may fear they are "losing their minds" because of the Shock/numbness, the anger that may experience and the depression they may feel. They speak inwardly second guessing themselves (simply bargaining), and they may feel guilty for doing so. Sadness may envelop them, and then they wonder why they are such "wimps?"
So they "deal with" their emotions. Actually they stuff them either on purpose of unconsciously. And so they resist feeling the grief. Guess what? They do not journey through their grief... to their detriment. No the truck loads of folks in this kind of shape are not bad people. Let's get this straight. They are hurting REAL bad, and they do not know what to do with it. Grieving before the Lord will help. "Butcha gotta do it to get through it."
Let me say something as lovingly and compassionately as I can. "You ain't losin yo mind y'all." It's all right to feel. It's AOK to grieve. It's OK to "be emotional." If you cannot do it publicly, do it privately. Write God a letter with "no holds barred." As TLOML says, "God's got BIG shoulders," and He want's you to cast your cares on Him because HE CARES FOR Y-O-U. Get the stuff out of your system. Join Jesus "the Man of sorrows acquainted with grief" in your grief and give Him your grief. Feel what you feel, cause "feeling ain't no big deal" unless you do NOT feel what you feel. Then it becomes a GREAT BIG DEAL!
Relationally, some are taking out the struggles on others whom they love or they are insulating themselves from talking it out. Or they may be using some other defense mechanisms to protect themselves. Sadly they are hurting even those whom they love most dearly. You need help. Welcome to the club.
Financially many are finding that their retirement is in the toilet, and others simply do not have a job. Nor do they have the ability to get a job. Younger people coming out of high school and college are going for a LOOOOONNNNNNNNG time before they can find a job, and a whole bunch of folks are losing their jobs daily. The side effects of all this are BAD! Nuff said.
Physically some are having major problems of loss. As someone has said, "If you do not have your health, you do not have anything." This is largely true, and even if you have your health but a loved one does not, the pain is still very real.
From where do our struggles come? Now I understand a great deal about psychology and sociology, and I could talk about how such factors do indeed have a roll in this. I understand some genetics and the role that genetics play. I know about learned behavior. I know some would say "its just your luck." I think this last one is horse manure. Additionally our choices play a big role in life's outcome.
However, when we get right down to the REAL nitty gritty of the foundation of it all, there is indeed something deeply, deeply (did I say deeply?) S-P-I-R-T-U-A-L at play, and I wanna clear something up here. I do NOT believe that the LORD Jesus tells us that "GOD IS PUNISHING YOU" because you are struggling. I do not believe you are NOT a good person because you are struggling.
In the book of Job, His friends were declared WRONG when they blamed God for punishing Job for not being a "good." Man. Never mind God's testimony that Job was a mature or "perfect" man. Now their ranting packed this Old Testament book. Matter of fact.. their "trash talking" took up the largest portion of this lil ole book. (So be careful that you read their pseudo philosophical musing with a grain of salt.) And be sure you know what God said about them: He said they were WRONG! I did not make this up, God said it. In other words God silenced their trash talking about HIS motives and actions.
Jesus ID.d the source of Jobs troubles in John 10:10a... called this evil one "a thief." Said something about him being a thief that comes to steal , kill and destroy.... Bad dude with bad intentions. But Jesus put in a "but" after talking about this evil one. He identified him all right, BUT, He makes it clear that the evil ONE does not have the "final answer." Yes this devil might want to steal from you, kill you and destroy you. He still does not win, if you do not let him. You DO have a choice!
Check out what Jesus says about HIMSELF. 10:10b. "But I have come that you may have life and have it completely." He then talks about being The Shepherd. He gives you some tools for your tool kit.
So what's next: Check this out in verse 11 and following:I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." And He is NO "hired hand." Keep on listening in as he continues The hired hand is NOT the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, (the evil one) he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. To make His point REAL clear Jesus repeats Himself in verse 14: I am the good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me--I lay down my life for the sheep.
Ok, Sojournerman make your point. This is it: There is evil in this world. If, after this war where people are terrorizing the world population, you do not know this, then you are surely confused. THERE is evil in the world. Evil does NOT have good motives for you, but that does NOT matter because The Good Shepherd has the answer. In fact, HE IS THE Answer. "Whatchu talkin about" Sojournerman?
Help yourself out and experiment: First, go read the ancient Psalms. Begin by slowly reading and meditating on the 23rd Psalm, and after you read it, count the number of times the Good Shepherd makes this personal. Count how many times He says "my," "I," "Me," or equivalent words." Then ask yourself if God, taken at His Word, wants to make this personal with you? Then once you determine the "truth that will make you free" that He indeed wants this to be personal, read this Psalm again and determine what are some of the things God wants to do to help you with your daily living? List them all. Take your time. Now ask yourself if this Shepherd is out to do you harm? No way.
By this point you might wanna pray with David, who just happens to be a King who did fowl up his life, as he prayed the 51st Psalm. This will help you begin addressing the bad choices you mighta made. Make it YOUR prayer instead of David's. Make it personal.
Last. Read Psalm 46 carefully about this man whose life is falling a part, and yet He is able to have the ability to navigate the "stuff" in his life successfully. Why? Because He has found a refuge for his soul. He has found a way to endure whatever happens. He has found victory over the darkness in his life. As you read, list everything you know he says is happening that is bad. Then list what he did about it, in your opinion. List what you think he found God to be.
Now list all your hurts, fears, brokeness and "stuff," on a peace of paper and read over it. Give it to God: Tear the paper up. Burn it up in a can so that it will "go up to heaven" as an act of your surrender. Then keep on stepping. And remember...
God IS NOT the one putting you in a bad place, but He wants to help you to live, one day at at time, now and forever through the Good Shepherd, His son.... even Jesus.
Be Blessed today... even in your struggles
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