What Now? Now That We Have A New President:

The Psalmist once said, "Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD!" Now comes to the office of the President of The United States of America a biracial man whom some have recklessly  called "Messiah." This is INDEED a GREAT historical day! He is indeed The President of The United States of America.  He is my President, and I will support him completely in any policy that is keeping with God's law and the sacred Word of HIM who is really the Messiah, even Jesus.  This God and HIS Word have been instrumental in making our nation great.  Therefore, I will question anything contrary to either God's Law or God's Word.  I will do so with great respect for the office of the presidency and the man in the office... unlike many acted disgracefully when they disagreed with our previous President who left office today.  

Now, when we think of Psalm 20:7 written above, we might say it the following way:  "Some trust in power and some trust in wealth."  And as we examine our day, it is easy to see that the world is literally filled with those who have their own ideas on what will save us, protect us and prosper us.  Boldly upright or by subtle implication various media preach to us their own special philosophy of how to find fulfillment and security for our searching souls... all of which are counterfeit. 

So let us get our priorities right.  Let us keep them right. Let us remember that violation of God's laws regarding honesty and integrity led us to this nation to this difficult place.  Let us remember who really is in charge, and let us live like we believe it... one day at a time.  Pray for the President, but be sure to honor God.  It will be amazing what will happen when we do.

Be Blessed  2day... Especially 2day.


  1. This is a tough topic for me because of my feelings with politics. I am very socially liberal and a slight bit financially conservative. But mainly I am a proponent for equal rights. I believe we should have no form of discrimination and all people should be afforded the same rights. With this in mind, I was not a fan of Bush because he used to many faith-based politics. I am also a big fan of Obama because we are pro gay rights, and are pro abortion. Now I don’t worship the president or even Obama, but I do enjoy the freedom to question the actions of the president. Bush was given a bad rap for the bad things he did. For example he started a war with a country that had no connection to terrorism and in turn left a debt far greater then even my sons generation will be able to pay for. So in closing I for one always support my president, but I do by questioning every action he/she takes and praying everyday for them to be lead to do what is best for the greater good.

  2. This is easy. All leaders are placed in authority by Almighty God. See Colossians 1:16-17. He clearly tells us to pray for those in authority, and I do so. But in the end, our vapor like life will place us squarely in front of God to give account for the stewardship of our vote and our life. Critique of the President, in the USA, is a special privilege. At the same time we will give account of that critique.

    Regarding Terrorism and Bush. I served as a Command Chaplain at Centcom. There are things you simply do not know, and you cannot know! You are quoting directly from the New York Times and its clone, The Atlanta Constitution. Where is the evidence you have regarding what you say? PLEASE! If you live long enough, when the classified evidence comes out, you will see you are wrong. What qualifies you to make such a statement that there were no connections with terrorism? You are quoting what you heard somewhere, and chose to believe. But I know for a fact you don't have the facts.

    I love you Kevin, but please, if you are going to "drink" the kool aid of the uneducated, uniformed and propaganda pushing publishers, like those dinosaur news papers, you are eventually be eating crow for saying things about which you cannot possibly know.

    I guess when 300,000 people were being raped, mutilated, murdered and tortured by Sadaam and his sons, we should have let that happen. Oh yea... We are told their were not weapons of mass distruction. What about the 550 megatons of yellow cake weapons grade pleutoniam we found, but it did not get reported at the time for classified reasons.? Its not classified now. Key terrorist were housed and given medical care in Bagdad, and they were allowed to set up al queda cells in Iraq that later were killing our folks.

    AND, we have gone 7 plus years without being hit because we took the war to the terrorists. I can tell you that that is exactly what General Abazaid told his people in command. " We will go there, and draw them out. Then will come in large numbers, and we can fight and kill them there rather than the streets of America." But you did not know that did you?

    Look behind the scenes: Obama is keeping 98% of GW's anti-terrorist apparatus. HMMMMMMMM! Notice he is giving himself a year before he is going to do something with Gitmo. He has found that the news was wrong, and it is the best place for now. He is keeping Bush's defense department planning, and left himself wiggle room regarding water boarding. Why? Because now he knows that our own troops go through this experience when doing P.O.W. training and survival training. He has realized it is NOT torture. Torture does NOT work. But water boarding does. Of course you do not know this. Obama is keeping Bush's Secretary of Defense also. HHHMMMMMM. Wonder why?

    Now regarding abortion. I do not think that being for abortion and for a woman having the freedom to choose are the same thing. God always gives us a free choice. But you cannot read Psalm 139 and believe in the taking of a human life, not if you really are a Christian.
    We can choose to do right. We an choose to do wrong. We call that FREE choice, but again our choice will be evaluated by the almighty.

    He paid the price to cover your sins IF you sincerely turn from the world, the flesh and the devil. In return there is complete forgiveness. Jesus died for our sins, but we can refuse him. With that comes consequences. Because I love you, I caution you to not be so quick at saying it is ok to take a human life. You have too much at stake. Would you easily abort the life of that beautiful son? I don't think so. I see the picture and I hear the love you express for him.

    Also, I have provided counseling for young ladies who have had a abortion. No one tells you how the guilt can flood them like a sunami when they hold someone elses child. Now there is a phrase for their disease. It is called Post Abortion Stress disorder. This includes, among other things, night mares, sleepless nights, difficulty being around babies and sometimes unbelievable shame. But you news paper did not tell you about that. Choose freely because you are free to do so. But choose cautiously... VERY cautiously... before you think about taking the life of an infant.

    Jesus said this about abortionist, " If anyone hurts one of these little children of mine, it is better that they have a mill stone rapped around their neck and be cast into the sea." Th mill stone of his day was a couple of feet thick and about 6 feet in diameter. Get my point about messing with one of God's kids... Oh yeah... to dehumanize this child anti-lifers like the word... "fetus" to salve their conscience.

    Regarding rights. I guess that baby does not have the rights the the constitutions gives them, and neither do you give it to them. Go look it up. We are all endowed by our creator with "certain unalienable rights including "LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. But if you are so easily for abortion, you take the first right away from a helpless little baby child. So you cannot really be for equal rights for everyone, because, with your position, you support the death of nearly 50 million children who had their rights taken away at about $350 per pop.

  3. I am not pro-abortion by any means. I am however very pro CHOICE. I think each person has to answer for his or her actions, but I am not willing to try and stand in the shows of the judge. Let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone....not me, I'm not even tossing a pebble.

    As for the terroists, it has been proven more then once and not just by New York Times (which that and the AJC are not what I read LOL)that the terroists that attacked our country were from Afganistan, and not Iraq. With this in mind if I broke in your home and took your TV should you hunt me down in Atlanta where I live or in Texas? I thought so. I am not say that Hussian wasn't an aweful man, he was a tyrant in all ways he could be. So were his sons. However to bring a war over this is not okay either. Do I think he should have been taken out, sure I do. But I think a unit of paratroop seals could have done the job and the whole family would have been found dead the next morning.

    As for what I do not know, I don't clam to have any idea what really goes on behind the secnes of our country. But I think that lieing to your people in order to have them back you is wrong on every level. We found none, as in not one weapon of mass disturction. Did we find cachies of ammo and guns, yes but nothing like we were told. Do I think that oneday I could be wrong, I doubt it cause if there had been any real weapons Bush would have touted in front of the mission accpolished sign.

    Oh and I love you to, even more then I love a good debate.


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